preparing for self-employment taxes

preparing for self-employment taxes

  • Profit From Your Vacation -- What Renting Out Your Vacation Home Means For Taxes

    Buying a vacation home can be a great way to spend your money and your time. If you find yourself drawn over and over again to the same place for vacation -- your favorite ski area, for example -- buying a cabin, beach house or condo might be a good way to save money and enjoy a more homey experience. And many vacation home owners also find that renting it out when not using it can be a good investment -- possibly paying the cost of a mortgage with the profits.

  • New Business Growing Like Wildfire? How A Payroll Service Can Help

    So you've turned your idea into a thriving business. That's wonderful! You're looking forward to many years of providing your product or service to more customers in the future, and to make that happen, you have probably had to hire several people. As your business continues to grow, it is likely that you spend a lot of time on paperwork and ensuring that your employees are paid on time. If you're the type that would rather spend your time with customers, then a payroll service, such as Blueback Accounting, can help, and this guide explains how.

  • 3 Tips For Using Job Boards To Land Your Dream Job In Accounting

    Graduating from college with a degree in accounting can be exciting, but the real challenge begins when you start looking for a job. With many employers relying on job boards to find new accountants, these boards can be useful resources during your own job search. In order to make it possible to find your dream job in accounting through a job board, here are three tips to help you use job boards more effectively in the future.

  • 3 Tips to Help Your Business Avoid a Cash Flow Crisis

    Does your business face a possible upcoming cash crunch? Nearly every business faces a cash flow crisis at some point. It's not difficult for it to happen. All it takes is for one big client to take too long to pay their invoice and before you know it, you may not have enough cash on hand to pay some of your most important bills. If you have a system in place to forecast cash flow, you may be able to see this cash crisis coming in advance.

  • New To The Work-At-Home Scene? Don't Mess Up Your Taxes

    So, you're taking the plunge and headed home to work instead of dragging yourself into an office each day. This can be a very exciting time, as long as you know that working for yourself means that you'll have more responsibilities, as well as extra time. One of those responsibilities is paying your own income taxes and your own Social Security and Medicare taxes, if you're classified as an independent contractor with the company that you work for.

  • 2024© preparing for self-employment taxes
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    preparing for self-employment taxes

    Self-employment comes with a lot of responsibilities. Not only do you have to stay on top of getting your work done, but you also have to be aware of the taxes that come into play when you are self-employed. So, do you understand how self-employment impacts your taxes? Are you putting enough money aside to pay your tax bill at the beginning of the year? Do you file quarterly tax reports? This blog will help you stay on top of your self-employment taxes so that you don't find yourself stuck with a huge tax bill that you struggle to pay.